Family Learning Day

Learn new skills, have fun and share a positive experience with your child. Funded by Cumbria County Council Adult Learning.

We are offering an activity day at one of our centres for parents/carers and a child free of charge.

All transport, equipment, meals and refreshments will be provided. 

Famil group
Family group

Timetable and what's included in the day

The day will begin at 9.30am with a minibus pick up from school to travel to a Cumbria Outdoors Centre.  Refreshments on arrival at the centre and meet the activity instructors.

Morning activities include archery, problem solving and orienteering. 

Afternoon activities include a choice of ghyll scrambling or canoe rafting.

After activities, return to the centre to complete the course paperwork with refreshments and a snack. Participants then leave the centre and travel home via minibus at 4.45pm.


  Full day activity

  available March to October

  up to 30 participants per day

   suitable for adults and age 7 upwards (availability for age 3 upwards coming soon)

  available at Hawse End Centre and Scarness

  all equipment included

  Free of charge to those enrolled in Family Learning Courses with Cumbria County Council Adult Learning 

  Meals and refreshments provided free of charge

  Transport to and from centre provided free of charge


For details of Cumbria County Council Learning opportunities and courses please visit